The Future

Thinking about the future is scary. I’m at the stage of school where I’m starting to make my first subject choices, and I’m constantly being asked ‘what I want to be’ when I’m older. The truth is, I really don’t know what I want to be in terms of a job, which is obviously what people mean when asking this question, but I do know what I want to be in general; happy and healthy, and…just me. I want to be myself when I’m older. The problem is finding a job that allows me to be happy and healthy and to be myself.

You’re probably confused, and wondering what I’m on about, because, yes, I know, this doesn’t really make much sense, and I’m not sure I’m able to make it make more sense, as this is just an extremely disorienting subject. I’m not the only one who doesn’t know what I want to do when I’m older, so if you’re in the same position as me, this blog post is for you. To show you that you’re not alone. Fortunately, I’m not at the stage of exams yet, so I don’t have to stress out quite so much. However, there is still a great deal of pressure put on people in my year to know what job they want to do.

I have found that it is so so difficult to find a realistic career path where you can enjoy and live life to the fullest, while still making enough money for a living while still feeling like the job really is for you. I feel like a lot of people my age think they are certain of what job to do, but really they have just been convinced by teachers or parents, and when they come to actually doing the job they have worked their whole life for, they may feel like they are like a square peg in a round hole, they feel like they aren’t themselves anymore.

These are all the reasons why thinking about the future scares me, I wish I could just live in the moment, but no. We spend our lives preparing for the next stage of life, that’s just the way the world works. It seems pretty messed up to me. Nursery prepares for primary school, primary school prepares for high school, high school prepares for university, university prepares for work, and work prepares for retirement.

Let me know your opinion on the future, and preparing for work and choosing the perfect job for you. Thanks for reading my confusing thoughts and opinions on this topic & I apologise that I can’t come to a real conclusion, I really do wish I could, but I am still genuinely figuring all of this out for myself.

Love, Abbie xx

Merry Christmas!

Hi! I just wanted to post a little chatty update since I haven’t written on here in a while. To be quite honest, I’ve just been caught up with school, vlogmas (I’m vlogging everyday on the run up to Christmas over on my YouTube channel) and just life, and I haven’t really found any time to properly plan, take pictures for and type up a decent post. But, here I am now 🙂

As you may know, Christmas is my number 1 favourite time of the year. I have no other explanation for this other than that the atmosphere of Christmas time is like no other. Everyone seems to be that little bit happier, and excited for the holidays. Walking through the streets and seeing Christmas decorations everywhere, and people buying presents, and hearing Christmas songs, and feeling freezing cold but at the same time feeling really warm is just amazing.

Also, Christmas is filled with candles and fairy lights and hot chocolates and movies and blankets…some of my favourite things ever; in fact, cosyness in general is pretty much my favourite thing ever. I love that Christmas is a time to spend with family and friends too, I think it’s so important to show your loved ones just how much you care.

Wow, this got very cheesy very quickly, oops. I’m not too sure what my aim is with this blog post to be honest, I guess I just wanted to share my love for Christmas with you. I hope you’ve somehow enjoyed reading this, and if I don’t write another blog post before Christmas day (hopefully I will though!), I wish you a very very merry Christmas.

Love, Abbie xx

Bonfire Night

As you all probably know by now, I LOVE Autumn and Winter, and Bonfire night is one of the many reasons that I love this time of year. If you aren’t familiar with it, Bonfire Night takes place on the 5th of November every year, where we wrap up and go out in to the cold, dark, Autumn night to watch fireworks lighting up the sky, have huge bonfires, light pretty sparklers and eat delicious candy apples with the people we love.

As I do most years, this year, I went to a fireworks display at a local park with some family, there were hundreds and hundreds of people there, and as always it was a really nice cosy, happy atmosphere. The fireworks were beautiful and my favourites were gold and sparkly, they reminded me of stars. Let me know in the comments what your favourite kind of fireworks are! Here are some photographs I took when I was at the display, I hope you like them 🙂

Love, Abbie xx


My Autumn Lip Favourites

Autumn is without a doubt one of my favourite times of year. The fairy lights, cinnamon candles, warm drinks, blankets, jumpers, Halloween, Autumnal colours and, of course, berry toned lipsticks. Today I’m going to be talking you through some of my favourite lip products for this time of year. I highly recommend all of these lipsticks, they are all amazing quality and beautiful colours.

Swatches of all the products mentioned, in the order they are mentioned 🙂

First, is a Ghost lip crayon in the shade ‘Berry’. I kindly received this as part of a Christmas gift from a family member in a set with the ‘Ghost Girl’ perfume. It also came along with another lip crayon, makeup brushes and a makeup bag. I am not sure if this lip crayon is available to purchase separately as I don’t think Ghost usually sell makeup, however I expect it will be on Ebay or something somewhere! I was very pleasantly surprised by the quality and pigment of this product. It is a lovely, quite matte, bright pinky-purple colour and I really like it.

Next, is a New Look Pure Colour lipstick in the shade ‘Mid Pink’. Despite the name, I would, personally, definitely describe this as a purple lipstick, however it does have pink undertones. It is slightly lighter in shade than the other lipsticks I am mentioning in this blog post, but still very Autumnal. I have been impressed with all of the New Look makeup products I have tried so far, so if you are looking for a good quality, affordable makeup brand, I would definitely try them out.

Thirdly, I have my beloved M.A.C ‘Studded Kiss’. This is my only M.A.C product and I was kindly gifted it at my birthday, I have been totally in love with it ever since. It is a gorgeous, matte, deep-red with purple undertones. I think that M.A.C lipsticks are a great investment if you want to treat yourself to a higher end makeup product, they are also a great gift for someone who loves makeup! I don’t think ‘Studded Kiss’ is one of the most popular M.A.C lipsticks, I could be wrong, but I’ve never heard any hype over it so I don’t believe so. Nevertheless, it really is a hidden gem.


‘Aubergine Kiss’ by Collection is probably the most Autumnal of all the lipsticks. It is a beautiful, dark purple, satin finish. It is so inexpensive, at only £2.50 which is such a bargain for the quality. I included it in my ‘Autumn Essentials’ on YouTube, as it truly is a  great statement for this time of year. I have had this lipstick for quite a while now, so I don’t have too much of it left considering how often I wear it! I will definitely be repurchasing when that day does come.

Next, is the infamous Rimmel ‘107’ from their Kate Moss collection. The whole Kate Moss collection is amazing, the lipsticks are the quality and pigment of a high end product yet drug store price. I am yet to try Rimmel’s other lipsticks however I’m sure they are amazing too. ‘107’is known very well online, and it is one of Zoella’s favourites too. In my opinion, it is definitely worth the hype. It is a purpley-red colour with a matte finish.

Again, I recommend any one of these lipsticks if you are looking for a berry-toned lipstick for Autumn. Let me know what your favourite Autumnal lip product is too, in the comments.

Love, Abbie xx


Welcome to LuvvAbbie!

Hello! Welcome to my brand new blog!

Whether you have come from my YouTube channel, or you’re just completely new, I really hope you will enjoy reading my posts and being part of this little community.

I will be posting about beauty & lifestyle, and I will include some photography in my posts too as it is a big passion of mine.

I’m really, really excited for what’s to come for this little blog, and I hope you are too.

Make sure to follow and like. Also, subscribe to my YouTube channel if you haven’t already, it’s ‘LuvvAbbie’.

Love, Abbie xx